
Fall Creeping In

Hey folks, 

I just don't update this site enough. Sorry about that.  

Thank YOU for having an interest in my music. I've been making music since I was a little kid. In 1st grade I took piano lessons…

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New Day Job

Hello weary internet traveler,

Thanks for stopping by. It is Saturday morning, I'm inside watching The Crown on Netflix while it snows outside. I'm trying to get over a pretty bad cold and my nose is totally raw...Toilet paper…

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I thought I should update this page since the last post I made was in August. So much has happened in my life since then! 


I moved... (sad face). I loved Atlanta and I loved living there…

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Happy August 30th,
My name is Will Mitchell and I'm the sheriff around these parts...I'm also the sole inhabitant, local drunk, and village idiot. At your service. I am an indie folk/pop artist and producer..I also run When Will Productions…

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When It's Over

Some folks over at SCAD contacted me about doing a video project with them for a class they were taking. It was an absolute pleasure working with them and I only got about a gallon of water up my nose…Read more

Complete Unknown

Hey stranger!
Here's my latest installment of my video series When Will Productions Presents which I am just calling WWP, cause that is a mouth-full. This one is featuring my good friends Complete Unknown who have a great attitude about…Read more

The Eagleman Stag

In my estimation, not enough people watch short films.